User Guide
Supports Tools
: Reinforcing Pad
Reinforcing Pad
Associates reinforcing pads with support structural members. The reinforcing pad is positioned at the end of a support structural member. Once positioned, the size, plate thickness and corner radius of the reinforcing pad can be modified.
Create Reinforcing Pad
Creates a reinforcing pad at the end of a support structural member.
You are prompted to
Identify the end of section to add the pad to :
Click to identify the end of the support structural member to be associated with the reinforcing pad using a cursor pick in the 3D view.
The reinforcing pad is created and displays in the 3D view.
The new PNOD and PJOI elements are added to the owning FRMW and display in the Model Explorer.
Modify Reinforcing Pad
Modifies the size, plate thickness or corner radius of a reinforcing pad.
You are prompted to
Pick the section end where the pad is connected to :
Click to identify the end of the support structural member associated with the reinforcing Pad using a cursor pick in the 3D view to display the
Modify Pad
The reinforcing pad name displays at the top of the
Modify Pad
Input a dimensional value in the field to modify the size of the reinforcing pad.
Plate Thickness
Input a dimensional value in the field to modify the plate thickness of the reinforcing pad.
Corner Radius
Input a dimensional value in the field to modify the corner radius of all the reinforcing pad corners.
to modify the reinforcing pad or
to discard any changes and close the
Modify Pad
Delete Reinforcing Pad
Deletes a reinforcing pad.
You are prompted to
Pick the section end where the pad is connected to :
The prompt does not display if the support structural member associated with the reinforcing pad is already selected.
Click to identify the end of the support structural member associated with the reinforcing pad using a cursor pick in the 3D view.
A confirm window displays asking you to OK the deletion. Click
to delete the item.
If the support structural member is associated with more than one reinforcing pad, an error message displays summarising the problem.
1974 to current year.
AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved.