Customisation Guide
Framework Template Administration
Template Options
: Mitred Frameworks
Mitred Frameworks
Mitred templates can be created using a combination of appropriate overlap overrides and bar end plane manipulation.
The following example describes the modification of an FT09 template standard to include mitred internal faces.
The example displays a horizontal bar and two vertical legs of a profile sized 70mm x 70mm x 6mm. The bar and vertical legs have been extended so that each end is flush with the steelwork adjacent to it. The horizontal bar justification p-line is CBOT and the vertical bars are justified to the NA p-line.
To mitre the framework, two steps are required:
Modify the end plane direction of each bar so that the mitre angle is established.
Modify the overlap distance by an override value so that the bar overlaps cut the steelwork back to the required contact point on the steelwork p-line.
Modify End Plane Direction - Horizontal Bar
The horizontal bar ends must be modified so that they are cut in the required plane directions for a 45-degree mitre. The plane directions are controlled by the DRNEND and DRNSTART attributes on the GENSEC element. The attributes set the plane normal direction of each end of the GENSEC.
The example displays the settings:
The bar ends are cut in the desired direction to produce a mitre.
The plane normal origin is set at the end point of the justification line of the GENSEC (CBOT in this case).
Modify End Overlaps - Horizontal Bar
When the end directions have been defined for the horizontal bar, the overlap values must be overwritten. When the FT09 standard is built, the ends of the bar are extended so that they are initially flush with the outside of each vertical bar. The bar must be offset at each end to move the mitre plane from the built position to the required position.
The example displays the CBOT p-line as the plane origin at either end of the GENSEC. When the FT09 standard is built, the CBOT is initially extended to the outside face of each vertical bar. In order to move the mitre plane into the correct position, an offset distance equal to the width of the vertical bar must be applied. In this case the vertical bar width is 70mm).
The offset override can be applied by setting attribute values on the horizontal bar. The overlap values are applied at both ends of the horizontal bar:
:MDSOnum -70
The OVERLAP keyword instructs the software to override the system overlap value.
Modify the End Plane Direction - Vertical Bars
Modifications can be made to vertical bars. In this case, the bars are justified to the neutral axis p-line (NA) instead of CBOT.
The example displays the settings:
Modify the End Overlaps - Horizontal Bar
The vertical bar ends must be modified to ensure that the mitre plane is positioned correctly when the framework is built.
In this case, the offset value is not the same as the horizontal bar because the NA p-line is being used as the justification line. This means that the offset distance is measured from the NA p-line to the outside leg of the vertical bar and the length of the vertical bars must be reduced by this amount during the framework build. In the example, the distance between the NA p-line end to the outside face of the bar is 50.7mm.
The example displays the settings:.
:MDSOnum -50.7
The modifications ensure that a mitred framework is built when the selected standard is created.
The layout of the template members may not look the same as the built support. The example displays template members when modifications are made.
The template administrator can manually modify bar lengths in the template to display a representative view of the template as it is built in the model.
The example displays a template that has been modified to look more like the framework as it is generated in the Supports application. The bar lengths have been manually altered to show the appropriate mitre.
Manual adjustments do not have any impact on the way the framework is built in the model.
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