User Guide
: Introduction to ISODRAFT
Introduction to ISODRAFT
ISODRAFT can be used to produce isometric plot files of pipes and networks, from either the DESIGN or Fabrication databases, to the users own required standards. Normally, the user will use these drawings for pipe work fabrication, but users can also use them during on-site erection.
Users can produce standard isometrics for zone, pipe, branch or spool drawing elements or for a mixture of these elements. In addition, system isometrics, showing a complete piping network, and equipment trim isometrics can be produced.
Mixed isometrics, containing elements from the DESIGN and Fabrication databases, cannot be produced.
ISODRAFT produces isometric drawings automatically, including any associated material lists the user requests. These material lists can specify: piping components; bolt requirements; pipe cutting lengths; etc. ISODRAFT uses the information in the project’s DESIGN, Catalogue and Fabrication databases to produce the required lists.
The isometrics produced can be fully dimensioned and annotated to make sure that the user finds them easy to use and unambiguous.
1974 to current year.
AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved.