User Guide
Isometric Drawing
: Split Long Pipelines
Split Long Pipelines
If a pipeline is too long or complex to fit on a single isometric plot, ISODRAFT will automatically split the pipeline over separate drawings. The split may occur in a main line or an off-line section. Each drawing will be identified as DRG 1 OF ..., DRG 2 OF ..., etc. The user can control the style of numbering using the MATERIALLIST command.
The user can control the complexity of each drawing, or the number of drawings into which the isometric is to be split, by using the SPLIT command.
When a pipe is continued on another drawing, the pipe end will carry the message CONT. ON followed by the identification of the next drawing.
When a pipe is continued from a preceding drawing, the pipe end will carry the message CONT. FROM followed by the identification of the preceding drawing.
ISODRAFT may generate splits in tube. The user can use the TUBESPLITS command to generate the message UNACCEPTABLE SPLIT POINT when splits in tube occur, or to stop isometrics with splits in tube being produced at all.
1974 to current year.
AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved.