ISODRAFT Reference Manual

Error Messages
SPEC REF name gives material code ( text ) longer than max of integer characters
INST name/refno is not named
name/refno will not be detailed
HEAD & TAIL refs of BRANCH name/refno refer to the same component but head & tail positions are not close enough to that component
HEAD & TAIL refs of BRANCH name/refno refer to the same component and head & tail positions are the same
Component name/refno refers to a BRANCH ( name/refno ) which does not refer back to it
The HEAD of name/refno is connected to name/refno but the positions are not the same
The TAIL of name/refno is connected to name/refno but the positions are not the same
ELEMENT name/refno is not a piping component
No non-standard BOLT lengths for SBOLT name/refno
LENGTH is realno
No SPCOM for name/refno
Invalid SPCOM name/refno for component, or tube connected to, name/refno
Reference datum name/refno is unnamed
PWAST attribute from SPCOM name/refno out of range 0.00 - 100.0
name/refno connected to name/refno but not the other way round
name/refno not close enough to name/refno
Multi-way component name/refno is not connected where expected
Both legs of name/refno refer to the same BRANCH but positions are not the same.
Both legs of name/refno refer to the same BRANCH and positions are the same.
One leg of name/refno is connected to name/refno but the positions are not the same.
Errors (33:182) to (33:189) all indicate possible errors in the DESIGN databases. Check the data consistency report and correct errors using a MODEL module.
BRANCH name/refno is not in the network
name/refno has already been detailed
Refer to Bolting for information on the cataloguing requirements for bolts.
Unable to locate text text within itemcode
The locating text specified in a BOLT LENGTH ITEM INSERT AT ‘text’ command (refer to BOLTING command) cannot be found in the itemcode for a bolt. ISODRAFT will use the default format for this bolt in the itemcode list and outputs this message for information only.
name/refno - Illegal or Inaccessible Reference Datum point
Reference datum name/refno - Orientation has been modified to
prevent Doubleback Dimension error
Dimension omitted for Reference datum name/refno - Doubleback Dimension
Limit of integer user defined symbols exceeded
Symbol key text rejected
Unable to locate key text in symbol library
Row number integer is outside the range 1-999
Table number integer is outside the range 1-999
Limit of integer user positional text records exceeded
Character size integer exceeds maximum limit of 99
Option number integer is outside the allowed range 1-140
Balloon size integer is outside the allowed range 1-5
The no of components :- integer is outside the allowed range 1-50
The following error messages are generated during the operation of ISODRAW. Those numbered (35:10xx) relate to the ISODAT program and those numbered (35:20xx) relate to the ISOPLOT program.
- Ref dimension record co-ords are val val val
- Ref dimension not shown on drawing

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