IFC Export User Guide

The IFC Exporter PML Object
Template functions called userPreExpProcess.pmlfnc and userPostExpProcess.pmlfnc are supplied. The supplied default templates are called automatically from the graphical user interface postprocess function. If the PML exporter object is used, it is possible to provide the same additional functionality as required but they must be called manually when using the exporter object.
Alternatively, you may provide your own functions and inject them into the export process. This is achieved by providing a function or even a series of similar functions, <userFunction>.pmlfnc, for example, IFCPostProcessing.pmlfnc, in the PML search path and then plugging it or them into the system using the command line. These functions take one argument and must handle all PML errors internally. The functions return a string result value containing whatever message is to be transmitted to the running PML application. The template PML functions provide an example of how to structure the function.
UserPreProcessor = |userPreExpProcess|
UserPostProcessor = |userPostExpProcess|
define function !!userPostExpProcess( !exporter is IFCEXPORTEROBJ ) is STRING
define function !!userPostExpProcess( !exporter is IFCEXPORTEROBJ ) is STRING

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