Components : User Defined Fittings
Although it is recommended that the standard components supplied in the HVAC Catalogue are used. There are occasions when non-standard HVAC components or user defined fittings are required. Before you can select a user defined fitting, the system administrator must first create the user defined catalogue and specifications. Refer to the system administrator or System Administrator’s Guide.
All HVAC Component windows are dual purpose windows allowing you to either Create a new HVAC Component element (by default) or Modify the attributes of an existing HVAC Component element.
The task of creating a User Defined Fitting is initiated from the HVAC Window.
Select User Defined Fittings in the Categories drop-down list to display the User Defined HVAC Fittings window:
The User Defined HVAC Fittings window is a dual purpose window allowing you to either Create a new User Defined HVAC Fitting (by default) or Modify a User Defined HVAC Fitting.
For the purposes of this user guide, the Specification Data including HVAC Fittings Catalogue only contains the supplied catalogues provided by AVEVA. Catalogues are populated by the System Administrator.
If both Default and Auto check boxes are selected, the default item for each level and (if all levels have a default set) an overall default fitting will be selected.‘
For more detailed descriptions on Joints and Connect drop-down list, refer to HVAC Window.

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