Components : Inline Plant Equipment : Rectangular Air Handling Unit
The task of creating an HVAC Component is initiated from the HVAC Window.
Select Inline Plant Equipment in the Categories drop-down list and then RECTANGULAR, Air Handling Unit in the Available Type drop-down list to display the Air Handling Unit window:
To visualise how the dimensions equate to the actual piece of HVAC, click Picture to display a detailed drawing for Air Handling Unit.
Click Transpose Width/Depth to exchange First Width AA dimension with the First Depth AB dimension.
Click Transpose Width/Depth to exchange Second Width dimension with the Second Depth dimension.
Click Transpose Width/Depth to exchange Third Width dimension with the Third Depth dimension.
Specify a type of joint to use for the Arrive Joint, Leave Joint and Branch Joint. Refer to Create/Modify HVAC Component for a detailed description.
In the Position list, select Connect or Unchanged:
Click Connect (default when Create is selected) - connects the piece of HVAC to the previous one.
Click Unchanged (default when Modify is selected) - positions the component at the co-ordinates 0.00.
Unchanged is usually used, when Modify is selected, it does not connect the component but positions it at 0.00, in effect in a floating position.
Click Defaults to reset all the fields back to when the Air Handling Unit window was opened.
Click Fit to orientate the Air Handling Unit to automatically match the outlet (p-leave) of the previous piece of HVAC to the inlet (p-arrive) of the next piece.
Click OK to create the Air Handling Unit component and close the Air Handling Unit Window. You will be returned to the HVAC Window.
Click Cancel to discard all the field changes and close the Air Handling Unit window.

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