Split HVAC : Split Assembly
The Select HVAC Assembly window is displayed:
Select the assembly from the list of available assemblies, then Select as the Splitting Assembly. The selected assembly is displayed in the Split HVAC window, close the Select HVAC Assembly window. The name of the selected assembly is displayed in the Split HVAC window.
Click Apply, the branch is split at the defined plane and the HVAC assembly is inserted at the intersection of the plane.
Current HVAC - The elements will be stored in the current HVAC hierarchy.
New HVAC - The elements will be stored in a new HVAC hierarchy, create a new HVAC hierarchy.
Existing HVAC - The elements will be stored in an existing HVAC hierarchy, enter the name of an existing HVAC hierarchy.
If required, head tube can be flipped, click Flip Head Tube, then a prompt to Pick branch tubes to flip is displayed.

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