Administrator Guide
: Guide Structure
Guide Structure
The HVAC Administrator Guide is divided into the following sections:
introduces this guide and summaries its scope.
Application Files
provides the storage location of the application files and identifies the control file for changing the defaults.
Sample Catalogue
shows the key element names in the sample catalogue.
User Defined Components
demonstrates the creation of a user defined catalogue and specifications for HVAC fittings by means of a tutorial style exercise.
Detail Specifications
explains Detail Specification for defining duct ranges with different joints, standard length, material thickness or stiffening.
Insulation Specifications
shows the database structure for insulation and the creation of insulation specifications.
User Definable Joints Set
explains how joints can be user defined and shows the catalogue database sections that hold the dataset elements for each joint.
User Definable Stiffeners
explains how stiffeners can be user defined and shows the catalogue database sections that hold the dataset elements for each stiffener.
considers the storage of default values and how they can be changed by creating or editing data elements to give user defaults.
gives the database mechanism for HVAC component weights.
Auto Naming
discusses auto naming options from both the administrator and user perspectives.
HVAC Spools
shows the HVAC Spool functionalities in a table format.
DRAW Sketches
explains the setting up of templates, backing sheets and tables for HVAC spool sketches. Also covers HVAC Sketches created in batch mode.
DRAW General
gives recommendations for the creation of DRAFT drawings.
1974 to current year.
AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved.