Click to close the Dimension Point Definition window.
Click to display the Dimension Point Plot window.
Input a dimension description into the Design Point Description field.
Input a parameter number into the Design Parameter Description field. The same value must be entered for each of the Dimension Points of the parameter.
Input a Dimension Point number into the DPoint No. field. The value must be unique for each Dimension Point.
Input a rule into the Dimension Position field. Alternatively select Position Expression Builder to create a dimension position rule. Refer to Position Expression Builder for further information.
Input a rule into the Dimension Extension field. Alternatively select Extension Expression Builder to create a dimension extension rule. Refer to Position Expression Builder for further information.
Input a rule into the Dimension Direction field. Alternatively select Direction Expression Builder to create a dimension direction rule. Refer to Direction Expression Builder for further information.
Select Copy Last Point to populate the Dimension Position, Dimension Extension and Dimension Direction fields with the values from the Dimension Point that was defined most recently.
Select Copy Partner to populate the Dimension Position, Dimension Extension and Dimension Direction fields with the values from the Dimension Point that contains the same Design Parameter Number.
Click to replace the dimension point rule with the display values in the Dimension Point Definition window.
Select from the list of properties. The property displays in the Expression field.
Select Current, Local or Template from the Properties drop-down list to define the list of properties.
Select from the list of local names. The local name displays in the Expression field.
Select from the list of functions. The function displays in the Expression field.
Select from the list of operators. The operator displays in the Expression field.
Select from the list of properties. The property displays in the Expression field.
Select Current, Local or Template from the Properties drop-down list to define the list of properties.
Select from the list of local names. The local name displays in the Expression field.
Select from the list of functions. The function displays in the Expression field.
Select from the list of operators. The operator displays in the Expression field.
Select from the list of properties. The property displays in the Expression field.
Select Current, Local or Template from the Properties drop-down list to define the list of properties.
Select from the list of local names. The local name displays in the Expression field.
Select from the list of functions. The function displays in the Expression field.
Select from the list of operators. The operator displays in the Expression field.