DRAW Reference Manual
Graphical Representation
Automatic Hatching
: Hatching Rules
Hatching Rules
Each Hatching Rule references a Hatch Style element that defines the hatch pattern to be applied. For each Hatch Rule you can specify:
Whether it applies to faces created by a section plane or to primitive surfaces.
The orientation of the faces to be considered for hatching. There are three options:
All Directions, in which case the face is hatched regardless of its orientation.
Perpendicular Direction, in which case the face is only hatched if it is perpendicular to the viewing direction.
Specified Direction, in which case the face is only hatched if its normal matches a specified value. The normal of a face is the vector perpendicular to it and pointing out of the solid primitive. Thus, the normal of the uppermost horizontal surface of a box is Up.
The HRUL attributes, with their defaults, are:
Hatch Style Ref
reference to HSTYL, default null
Face Code
Direction Code
Face Normal
Selection Criteria
FCODE SECTionedfaces
FCODE PRIMitivefaces
DCODE ALL Directions
DCODE PERPendiculardirection
DCODE SPECifieddirection
NORM standard AVEVA direction syntax
CRIT standard AVEVA selection criteria syntax
As well as the usual NEW command, an HRUL can also be defined by:
USE hstyl FOR criteria
which sets the HSTYF and CRIT attributes.
1974 to current year.
AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved.