DRAW Reference Manual
Picture File Naming Conventions
Picture File Naming Conventions
Picture filenames incorporate the database reference and version number (PVNO attribute) of the picture element. Picture file names have the form:
where the first two numbers are the database reference of the picture element. The third number is the value of the EXFI attribute (which is normally the database/extract file number at the time the picture was saved). The final number is the picture version number (PVNO attribute). The number is incremented every time the picture is modified.
Only those picture elements that can include design graphics (that is SHEEs and OVERs) have picture files. The graphics for other picture elements (LALBs or BACKs) are created when required.
Folder Structure
The picture file folder %<project>PIC% is split to improve the file system performance on large projects, with increasing numbers of picture files. There are 32 subfolders numbered 00 through to 31 and the picture files are distributed among these subfolders according to a pseudo-random algorithm based on database reference. The algorithm is designed to distribute picture files homogeneously among the subfolders; there is no user-configurable option.
The picture filename can be queried at the picture element (SHEE, OVER) using the command:
Q PICFilename
The command returns the picture directory and file name, for example:
The details of the distribution algorithm are an internal feature of DRAW. AVEVA might adjust it in future versions so user applications can rely on the PICFilename pseudo-attribute, as it is guaranteed always to return a valid picture file path.
1974 to current year.
AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved.