DRAW Reference Manual

Introduction to DRAW : Organisation of the DRAW User Guide
General and Database Commands, describes some general commands, common to several Plant modules, which are available in DRAW.
Draw the Design, describes how to create a DRAW picture without annotations. It describes the part of the DRAW database that stores the main administrative and graphical elements and how to create them. It also describes Views, which are the areas used to display Design elements, and how to define their content.
Graphical Representation, describes how Design elements are defined and drawn using Representation Rules. It describes how Representation Rules are defined and describes the part of the DRAW database that stores the Representation Rules. It also describes Hatching Rules, used for the automatic hatching of faces of Design elements.
Section Planes, describes how you can construct sections through Design items, using Planes in DRAW, which display at VIEW level.
Use the Cursor with DRAW Commands, describes how, with many DRAW commands, you can use the cursor to identify an element in the graphics window by using the ID command followed by an @.
Plot and Drawing Output, describes how you can generate, at any time during the drawing process, a plotfile consisting of a single Sheet, View, or the content of an Area View.
Colours and Styles, defines the attributes that are associated with pens and describes how to set these attributes.
Reports, Circulation Lists and Revisions, describes how to create the drawing office administrative elements; reports and circulation lists. It also describes how DRAW handles revision numbers.
Change Highlighting, describes how you use Change Rules to control how Design and Annotation elements that have been changed are drawn on a DRAW View. It describes how Change Rules are defined and describes the part of the DRAW database that stores the Change Rules. It also describes the concept of Comparison Dates and how these are used to determine whether Design and Annotation elements have been changed
Introduction to Annotation, describes the part of the DRAW database that stores annotation elements.
Dimensions, describes how dimensions are added to drawings in DRAW. It also describes the part of the DRAW database that stores dimensions.
Labels, describes labels, how they are created and the part of the DRAW database that stores them.
Intelligent Text, describes the use of code words to automatically extract data from the Design, Catalogue or Drawing databases.
Miscellaneous Text Facilities, describes how the text parameters can be manipulated in DRAW; font selection, using multiple fonts within a text string, inserting symbols using the alternative character set, modifying text attributes, text quality, character height.
Annotate Structural Elements in DRAW, describes how to label and dimension structural elements, and how to use structural elements in 2D drafting. It also describes how to apply 3D data to annotation elements.
Underlays and Overlays, describes the use of underlays and overlays on a Sheet to add standard elements. For example, borders, title blocks and keyplans.
2D Drafting, describes DRAW's two-dimensional drafting facilities and explains how these can be used to complement its main drawing production facilities.
ISODRAFT Symbols, describes how ISODRAFT Symbols can be created in DRAW and exported to an ISODRAFT Symbol File.
Point and Line Construction, describes how a drafting position can be defined by reference to other positions rather than explicitly.
Transform DRAFT 12.1 Data for DRAW, describes how to transform DRAFT 12.1 project data for DRAW.
DRAW Database Hierarchy provides a graphical representation of the DRAW database structure.
Picture File Naming Conventions, describes the structure of picture file names.

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