DRAW Reference Manual
2D Drafting
Where 2D Drafting is Used
: Symbol Templates
Symbol Templates
User-defined symbols (consisting only of 2D drafting elements) can be created as Symbol Templates (SYTMs). These can then be picked from a Library sheet element, with position, size and orientation attributes being altered to suit.
Symbol Library (SYLB) and Label Library (LALB) elements can be regarded as ‘Sheets’ that can display in an area view. Symbol Templates can then be created on the Library sheet using the 2D drafting elements. SYLB and LALB cannot be opened as ‘Sheets’ but the Symbol and Label Template members can (via Explorer or Browser).
Setting the TMRF (Template Reference) attribute of a SYMB (Symbol Instance) element or SLAB (Special Label) causes the referenced SYTM to display on the relevant Sheet. The Symbol can then be positioned, sized and orientated to suit. The description of scaling and mirroring SLAB elements is described. Refer to
Scale and Mirror Special Labels
for further information.
1974 to current year.
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