DRAW Reference Manual

Underlays and Overlays : Database Elements for Underlays and Overlays
The SHLB (Sheet Library) exists as a member of a LIBY and is used as an administrative element to group together BACK (Backing Sheet template) and OVER (Overlay Sheet template elements.
BACKs and OVERs are referred to by the relevant drawing Sheet’s BSRF and the relevant Overlay’s OSRF attributes (respectively). (BSRF can also be set at Drawing level.) The BACK/OVER to be used can be specified by using commands, for example:
The Overlay’s OSLV (‘overlay sheet view layers visible’) attribute defines those Layers of the overlay sheet (for example, the LAYE element(s) owned by the VIEW(s) owned by the OVER referenced by the drawing Sheet) that are to be visible.
The Overlay’s XYSCALE attribute allows independent scaling in the X and Y directions of the instanced overlay sheet or plotfile. For example:

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