DRAW Reference Manual

Dimensions : Summary of Commands : Radial Dimensions . . .
AKEY  option
stores the code of a dimensional attribute of the Design element type that is to be dimensioned. Option dependent on Design element type. Default DIAM.
DFLA  option
controls whether the dimension line is drawn from the centre (Radius) or across the diameter (Diameter). option = DIAMETER or RADIUS, default RADIUS.
DDEG value
controls angle at which dimension line displays, relative to the 2D
coordinate system of the VIEW. Default 0 (horizontal in the VIEW).
DTFL  option
controls whether the text radius DTRAD is measured from the CENTRE, MIDPOINT or CIRCUMFERENCE of the radial dimension. Default CENTRE
DTRA  value
- radial position of the dimension text origin from the centre or circumference
- (according to the DTFL setting) of the dimensioned object.
DTRA FLAG  option
modifies DTFL and recalculates DTRA to keep same visual appearance. option = CENTRE, MIDPOINT or CIRCUMFERENCE.
DTAN  option
controls the Dimension text angle.
option = STANDARD, HORIZ, VERT, default
DSTY  option
combined with DTAN, controls the overall dimension style. Option = DIMLINE, LEADERLINE, EXTERNAL, default DIMLINE.
CHSTYLE  option
- controls the drawing style used for the optional horizontal and vertical fixed crosshair markers that mark the centre of the circle/arc being dimensioned. option = OFF (default), integer or line pattern.
- controls the drawing colour. Value can be a colour number or pre-defined colour name.
CHOS value
controls the distance by which the crosshairs overshoot the circle/arc circumference. value can be negative, default 6.
ASUB value
controls the angle subtended by the optional projection arcs at the circle/arc circumference. For DFLAG DIAMETER two arcs are drawn, one at each end of the dimension line; for DFLAG RADIUS only one arc is drawn. The midpoint of these arcs intersects the dimension line. ASUB 180 generates a circle for a diameter dimension.
allows interactive modification of Dimension, with graphical feedback.

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