A Pitch Circle Dimension (PDIM) is a form of radial dimension, which can be used to draw radius, and diameter dimensions between two independently definable points. A PDIM is defined by two Dimension Point elements that are owned by the PDIM. These in turn are defined by p-points/p-lines (Radial Dimension P-Point, RPPT element) or 3D positions (
Radial Dimension Position Point, RPOI element). As with Linear Dimension Points, it is possible to use a RULE to parameterise 3D positions. It is not possible to create more than two Radial Dimension Points. A PDIM is drawn when two significant dimension points are defined. It is not normally necessary to navigate to the two individual Dimension Points.
The first dimension point is at the centre of the dimension, the second defines the circumference of the dimension. A PDIM contains the same style attributes as an RDIM (refer to
Appearance of Radial Dimensions - Specific Attributes for further information, but does not have DDNM/DDNX and AKEY attributes. As with RDIMs, the meaning of the ’#DIM’ dimension text is defined by the DFLAG attribute. The dimension points contain no style attributes. The example illustrates a simple example PDIM (bold line - other dimensions are RDIMs).