Linear Dimension (LDIM) elements exist for each linear dimension that displays on a drawing. Refer to
Linear Dimensions for further information. LDIM elements own
Dimension Point elements, which specify the points between which dimensions are drawn. Two other types of linear dimension are:
Radial Dimension (RDIM) elements exist for each radial dimension that displays on a drawing, being defined by a database element and an attribute (for example, DIAM of a CYLI). Refer to
Radial Dimensions for further information.
Pitch Circle Dimension (PDIM) elements exist for each pitch circle dimension that displays on a drawing. Refer to
Pitch Circle Dimensions for further information. PDIM elements own
Dimension Point elements, which specify the points between which dimensions are drawn. The graphics for a PDIM are similar to those for an RDIM.
Angular Dimension (ADIM) elements exist for each angular dimension that displays on a drawing. Refer to
Angular Dimensions for further information. ADIM elements own
Dimension Direction elements, which specify the end points of the dimension arc and its origin.