DRAW Reference Manual

Dimensions : Dimension Element Types
Linear Dimension (LDIM) elements exist for each linear dimension that displays on a drawing. Refer to Linear Dimensions for further information. LDIM elements own Dimension Point elements, which specify the points between which dimensions are drawn. Two other types of linear dimension are:
Radial Dimension (RDIM) elements exist for each radial dimension that displays on a drawing, being defined by a database element and an attribute (for example, DIAM of a CYLI). Refer to Radial Dimensions for further information.
Pitch Circle Dimension (PDIM) elements exist for each pitch circle dimension that displays on a drawing. Refer to Pitch Circle Dimensions for further information. PDIM elements own Dimension Point elements, which specify the points between which dimensions are drawn. The graphics for a PDIM are similar to those for an RDIM.
Angular Dimension (ADIM) elements exist for each angular dimension that displays on a drawing. Refer to Angular Dimensions for further information. ADIM elements own Dimension Direction elements, which specify the end points of the dimension arc and its origin.
When a Pipe element is dimensioned directly, the Pipe origin is assumed to be the position of the HEAD of the first Branch visible in the VIEW region, if any. If no Branch HEADs are visible in the VIEW region, then the position of the HEAD of the first Branch is used.

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