element_identifier is not a piping or a hanger component or has not been positioned oriented or selected.
element_identifier is not a branch or piping component
element_identifier is not a hanger or hanger component
element_identifier does not have a position
element_identifier does not have an orientation
element_identifier is not a SPEC
element_identifier is not a SPCOM
element_identifier is locked, reconnection fails
element_identifier is in a read-only database, reconnection fails
element_identifier is not a branch, reconnect fails
element_identifier cannot own nozzles
element_identifier cannot be flipped - it does not have ARRIVE and LEAVE attributes.
element_identifier does not have a Local-axes attribute
Form name may not be hidden
element_identifier is connected to element_identifier which is in a read only database. This connection will be broken by drag.
element_identifier has a connection to an unknown element. This connection will be broken by drag.
element_identifier is locked, drag aborted
element_identifier is not a piping component
element_identifier is not a SITE