Model Reference Manual

Design Templates : Design Datasets
Design Datasets (DDSE) are used to store the properties of design template items, which may then be used to define the template’s parameters.
Each property is stored in a Design Data (DDAT) element under a DDSE, with each DDAT being identified (and subsequently referenced) by a keyword or property name by a keyword held in its DKEY attribute.
The property definition can be specified by an expression held in the DDPR (Design Data Property) attribute, while a default value or expression for the property (which is used if the DDPR expression cannot be evaluated for any reason) can be stored in the DDDF (Design Data Default) attribute.
A local design dataset is owned directly by the current element,
A template design dataset is owned by the first template below the current element, and
A current design dataset is at the same level as the current element and has the same owner.

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