Model Reference Manual

Structural Design Using Catalogue Components : Fittings, Hangers and Equipment Load Points
A Fitting (FITT) element allows the user to indicate a connected implied load, such as a pipe hanger attachment, or an ancillary item related to, but not an inherent part of, the structure, such as a web stiffener or a flange plate.
A Panel Fitting (PFIT) element serves a similar function to a FITT, but is owned by a Panel and positioned relative to the Panel’s origin. A Cofitting (COFI) element is used where a fitting spans the junction between two or more Panels. In the latter case, one of the Panels owns a PFIT while the others each own a COFI. Each COFI has its Panel Fitting Reference (PFRE) attribute set to point to the associated PFIT; the PFIT has its Cofitting Reference Array (CFRA) attribute set to point to the COFIs.

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