POSS and POSE (Start and End Positions)
DRNS and DRNE (Start and End Plane Directions)
JOIS and JOIE (Start and End Joint References)
It is not intended that Sections with secondary connections be Flipped, although its possible if the user fully understands the effects outlined below. These effects may not give the results intended and may therefore require further design modifications to be made:
The Member List of the Flipped Section remains unchanged, so that any cross-references to member elements by list position remain correct. The ZDIST attributes of any SNODs, FITTINGs, etc. remain the same, so that their positions are now derived from the opposite end of the Section (the new Start end), thereby causing these member elements to move.
Any Connected items referenced via SJOIs will not move, since the positions of the corresponding SJOIs will not move to the new SNOD positions until they are Disconnected. To reverse a Section with existing secondary connections the user should, therefore, use the following sequence of operations:
Reorientate all connected Sections so that they realign with the modified SJOI locations along the Flipped Section (or reset the ZDIST attributes of the SNODs so that they are repositioned where required).