Model Reference Manual
Equipment and Primitives
: Reflecting a Position in a Plane (Mirroring)
Reflecting a Position in a Plane (Mirroring)
The mirroring facility lets the user change the position of the current element or group by reflecting it in a specified plane. The current element and its hierarchy of members will be repositioned so as to achieve a mirror image of their initial relative positions. If the current element is a Group, all members of the group and their hierarchies of members will be reflected.
The values of positional attributes and directional attributes are derived by direct reflection in the plane.
Orientations are processed such that they remain right-handed. For most elements this is achieved by reflecting the Y and Z axes directly, while reflecting and reversing the X axis. The exceptions to this rule are:
Toruses (CTOR, RTOR, NCTO, NRTO), whose X and Y axes are reflected directly while the Z axis is reflected and reversed;
The piping elements Tee, Nozzle, Elbow, Coupling, Reducer and Flange, where the p-points are used to decide the axis of greatest symmetry for the reversal. For example, an ELBO with p-point directions along X and Y will be reversed in the Z direction.
The mirror positioning options will most likely be used in conjunction with the COPY command (refer to Sections 2.1.5 and 2.1.6 of
Database Management Reference Manual
) to create a new part of the design model which is a mirror image of an existing part.
Since mirror-image components will not always be available in the Catalogue, no attempt is made to reflect catalogue geometry or to reference alternative catalogue components.
Moves the current element to a new position which is calculated by reflecting the initial position in a specified plane.
Reflects position of current element in plane which has given direction and which passes through /TANK5 (see
Figure 7:35.: Mirroring a position in a plane
Command Syntax:
>-- MIRRor -- <plane> -->
where <plane> is any of the standard ways of specifying a plane through a given point in a given direction:
<plane> = >-+- PLAne <bdir> -+- DISTance <uval> -+- <repla> ------.
| | | |
| | ‘----------------|
| | |
| |- <repla> --------------------------|
| | |
| |- THRough <bpos> -------------------|
| | |
| ‘- CLEArance -+- <uval> -. |
| | | |
| ‘----------+- <repla> -|
| | |
| |- <planf> -|
| | |
| ‘-----------|
|- DISTance - <uval> -+- <repla> -. |
| | | |
| |- <planf> -| |
| | | |
| ‘-----------+-------------------|
| |
|- CLEArance -+- <uval> -. |
| | | |
| ‘----------+- <repla> -. |
| | | |
| |- <planf> -| |
| | | |
| ‘-----------+----------------|
| |
|- <repla> -------------------------------------------|
| |
|- THRough <bpos> ------------------------------------|
| |
‘- <planf> -------------------------------------------+->
<repla> = >--+-- INFront --.
| |
|-- BEHind ---+-- <sgid> ---.
| | |
| |-- <marke> --|
| | |
| ‘-- <bpos> ---|
| |
|-- FROm --. |
| | |
‘-- TO ----+-- <bpos> ------+-->
<planf> = >--+-- ONTop --.
| |
‘-- UNDer --+-- <sgid> ---.
| |
|-- <marke> --|
| |
‘-- <bpos> ---+-->
Figure 7:35.
Mirroring a position in a plane
1974 to current year.
AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved.