Data Model
Reference Manual
Design Database
Elements in Primitive Category
: Polyhedron Element (POLYHEDRON)
Polyhedron Element (POLYHEDRON)
Primitive Element
The element is a versatile element represents a 3D polyhedral volume in terms of sets of points which define the vertices, and hence the edges, of the planar faces (POLFACs) enclosing the volume.
Each POLFAC is defined by one or more planar Polyhedron Loops (POLOOP). Each POLOOP is defined by a sequence of vertex positions which are identified by means of a Loop Points element (LOOPTS). The LOOPTS comprises references to sets of Point (POIN) elements held by administrative Polyhedron Point List (POLPTL) elements. Any POIN which lies on a common edge between two faces will be referenced more than once (one reference from the LOOPTS of each POLOOP which shares that POIN).
The intended use of this element is as a means of importing 3D-shape data into DESIGN from external sources, rather than for creating polyhedra directly within DESIGN. Such data would normally be read into DESIGN via a macro file generated elsewhere. For this reason, there is no mechanism for creating Solid Polyhedra or their related elements from the DESIGN applicationware.
Name of the element
Drawing level
Obstruction level
Description code word
Description of the element
Origin reference (for templates)
Template Repeat Element Reference
Rule Repeat Counter
Legal Owners:
Equipment Element (EQUIPMENT)
Cable Junction Box Element (JNTBOX)
Pipe Track Element (PTRACK)
Pulling Pit Element (PULLPIT)
Structure Element (STRUCTURE)
Subequipment Element (SUBEQUIPMENT)
Substructure Element (SUBSTRUCTURE)
Sub Volume Model Element (SVOLMODEL)
Template Element (TMPLATE)
Terrain Primitive Holder Element (TRNPRI)
Volume Model Element (VOLMODEL)
Legal Members:
Negative Box Element (NBOX)
Negative Cone Element (NCONE)
Negative Circular Torus Element (NCTORUS)
Negative Cylinder Element (NCYLINDER)
Negative Dish Element (NDISH)
Negative Polyhedron Element (NPOLYHEDRON)
Negative Pyramid Element (NPYRAMID)
Negative Revolution Element (NREVOLUTION)
Negative Rectangular Torus Element (NRTORUS)
Negative Slope Bottom Cylinder Element (NSLCYLINDER)
Negative Snout Element (NSNOUT)
Negative Rectangular Extrusion Element (NXTRUSION)
Polyhedron Face Element (POLFACE)
Polyhedron Point List Element (POLPTLIST)
1974 to current year.
AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved.