Data Model
Reference Manual
Design Database
Elements in Primitive Category
: Polyhedron Loop Element (POLOOP)
Polyhedron Loop Element (POLOOP)
Primitive Element
The POLOOP represents a planar profile which defines all or part of the shape of a Polyhedron Face (POLFAC). It is defined by a set of edges linking adjacent Point (POIN) elements, the latter being identified by references held in a Loop Points element (LOOPTS) owned by the POLOOP.
The order of the vertices (that is whether they are sequenced clockwise or anticlockwise) is significant. The order for a loop representing a positive polyhedron face is the opposite to that representing a negative polyhedron face. The LMIRR attribute determines whether the face points are read from start to end of the list, or in reverse. Reversing the order changes the loop from a positive outer boundary to a negative hole boundary, or vice versa. By default, points listed anticlockwise correspond to a positive boundary.
Name of the element
Description of the element
Description code word
True if Mirroring required
Origin reference (for templates)
Legal Owners:
Polyhedron Face Element (POLFACE)
Legal Members:
Loop Points Element (LOOPTS)
The directions clockwise and anticlockwise refer to the sense when looking from outside of the face into the polyhedron.
1974 to current year.
AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved.