Data Model
Reference Manual
Design Database
Elements in Primitive Category
: Loop Element (LOOP)
Loop Element (LOOP)
Primitive Element
The LOOP represents a 2D profile which defines the shape of an Extrusion or Solid of Revolution. It is defined as a set of edges linking adjacent points represented by Vertex(VERT) elements.
Name of the element
Description code word
Origin reference (for templates)
Legal Owners:
Area Extrusion Element (AEXTRUSION)
Area Revolution Element (AREVOLUTION)
Boundary Line Element (BNDLIN)
Extrusion Element (EXTRUSION)
Floor Covering Element (FLRCOV)
Insulation Requirements Element (INSURQ)
Negative Revolution Element (NREVOLUTION)
Negative Rectangular Extrusion Element (NXTRUSION)
Revolution Element (REVOLUTION)
Legal Members:
Vertex Element (VERTEX)
1974 to current year.
AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved.