All checking operations are controlled from the Checker window. and when the Checker window is first displayed, the Check Items list is empty.
Adds all elements which have failed an earlier check, as listed on a Checker Results window.
Remove only becomes active when the Check Items list is populated.:
Removes everything from the Check Items list and removes all highlighting.
Removes everything highlighted in the Check Items list.
Removes the current element highlighted in the Model Explorer from the Check Items list.
Removes all the members of the current element highlighted in the Model Explorer from the Check Items list, but not the current element
Removes elements from the Check Items list by picking them in a 3D graphical view. Any highlighting on the element is also removed.
Removes all the elements in the Collection from the Check Items list.
Highlight only becomes active when the Check Items list is populated.
Highlights all elements that are in the Check Items list. When selected, the Elements Colour window is displayed which allows the highlight colour to be chosen.
Passed is an On/Off toggle. When on, shown by a tick on the menu, all elements which pass subsequent checks will be highlighted.
Only elements already in the Drawlist will be highlighted; elements are not added to the view automatically. Removing elements from the list will remove the highlighting from the selected element.
Displays the Passed Colour window, when Passed is activated on the menu, a highlight colour for elements that have passed the check can be selected.
Displays the Failed Colour window, when Failed is activated on the menu, a highlight colour for elements that failed the check can be selected.