Common Functionality

Reporting : Export : Dump Attributes
The model file created when you run an export template contains only the geometric data needed for Review to display a 3D visualisation of the design. The Export utility allows you to create a data file containing the settings of all the attributes of specified design elements and is structured to reflect the original database hierarchy. A visualisation program, can then be used, to query any design data details without having direct online access to the databases.
Activates the Database elements list. You can navigate to required elements in the Model Explorer and click Add CE to add the element to the list. You can repeat this until all the required elements are in the list. Highlighting an element in the list and click Remove selected removes the element from the list.
Select DrawList to export all the objects from the global drawlist when Apply is clicked.
You can choose to export unset attributes, select Export unset attributes check box.
When you have selected all the required elements to be exported you must designate a name and path for the exported file. To do this, either enter a name in the Filename field or click Browse to open the Attribute Dump Output File window which allows you to navigate to the required location and name the file.

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