Common Functionality

Query : Project
The window consists of five tabs, Users, Teams, DBs, MDBs and Stamps.
The Users tab displays a list of all the users which have been created in the project. For the user selected in the list, the following user information is displayed.
The Teams tab displays a list of all the teams in the project. For the team selected in the list, the tab displays a list of the Users which are members of that team, and which Databases the team owns.
The DBs tab displays a list of all the databases which exist in the project. For each database selected, the tab displays the following database information:
The MDBs tab displays a list of all MDBs which have been created in the project. For each MDB selected, the tab displays the lists of its current and deferred databases.
The Stamps tab displays a list of all date stamps created in the project. For each stamp selected, the following information is displayed:
The attributes displayed on the Stamps tab can only be changed by the System Administrator.

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