The displacement Angle between their p-arrive and p-leave axes.
The Offset distance between their p-arrive and p-leave axes.
The Ratio of the offset to the projected distance between the p-arrive and p-leave axes (equivalent to the tangent of the Angle parameter).
The Check attachment points check box switches attachment point (ATTA) check On and Off. ATTA check can be switched off if you have ATTAs which are not predefined in the model.
The displacement Angle between their p-arrive and p-leave axes.
The Offset distance between their p-arrive and p-leave axes.
The Ratio of the offset to the projected distance between the p-arrive and p-leave axes (equivalent to the tangent of the Angle parameter).
The Check attachment points check box switches attachment point (ATTA) check On and Off. ATTA check can be switched off if you have ATTAs which are not predefined in the model.
the Eccentricity Section Distance
the Eccentricity Section Angle
the Eccentricity Section Ratio (the tangent of the Angle)