The Object drop-down menu allows you to specify the element to be copied. The choices are:
The To drop-down menu allows you to specify where the copies are to be stored in the database. The choices are:
Enter the Number of Copies required in the text field.
The Offset must be specified in terms of the local X,Y,Z coordinates of the geometric primitives that make up the structural items, rather than the E,N,U coordinates used to position items within the overall design model. In this case, by default, X=E, Y=N and Z=U. The axes are displayed automatically in the graphical view as a guide.
Select the Lock check box to lock the selected coordinates.
The Rotation Axis is displayed in the 3D graphical view as a guide.
The Direction gives the axis in which the object rotates. The distance the rotated object is from the centre of the axis is determined by the figure in the East/North/Up text boxes.
Select Lock check box to lock the selected direction.
The With Respect To (WRT) text box allows the selection of co-ordinates with respect to any design element. The default is World.
Prompts you to pick an element to which the position can be related to the required position. Use the Cursor Defaults setting to specify which point along a linear element (typically a Section) is to define the position.
Prompts you to pick a pline which passes through the required position. Use the Cursor Defaults setting to specify which point along the pline is to define the position (the pline is here considered to extend from the POSS to the POSE of the SCTN to which it refers).
Prompts you to pick a panel edge which passes through the required position. Use the Cursor Defaults setting to specify which point along the edge is to define the position.
The Pick Options pane specifies how a pick along a linear item (section, pline, edge) is to be interpreted as a position. Select the following choices: