To access the Hole Management System, on the application name tab (for example HVAC), in the
Penetrate group, click
Holes, select
Hole Manager from the drop-down list to display the
Hole Association Manager window
The Hole Association Filter allows you to search for Managed Holes and display the search results in the Hole Associations list. The filter criteria specify which Managed Holes are selected and displayed in the list. Once in the
Hole Associations list, these holes can be inspected and modified.
Enables the Elements to Manage list box at the bottom right of the window.
Add Current Element adds the currently selected element to the items in the list. Elements can be removed from the list, right-click the element in the list and click Remove Element from the pop-up menu.
Reset clears the list and adds the current element.
Refresh starts the filtered search for all managed holes that reference any items in the list.
You can select All the holes in the disciplines or specify a single discipline using the drop-down menu.
You can select All the Status options or specify a single Status option using the drop-down menu.
You can select All the Claimed options or specify a single Claimed option using the drop-down menu.
Refreshes the Hole Associations list according to the element and filtering options selected.
Click Show Tags check box to display labels in the 3D View around all the holes selected in the
Hole Associations list.
Click Show Tags check box to display the labels in the 3D View around the selected holes.
The List of holes pane lists the managed holes of the selected hole associations.
The Selected hole data pane lists more information about the hole currently selected in the
List of holes.
The Hole validation results pane displays details of associativity checks.
Each hole in the List of holes includes the results of the associativity check as either TRUE or FALSE in the
VALID column. Further details of these associativity checks are available, display the
Hole validation results fold up panel, which displays the
Test carried out and the
Result either PASS or FAIL. More detailed information can be found in the tooltips, hover the mouse over the result of a validation result.
The Hole History pane displays the history of the currently selected hole.
Each hole in the List of holes displays the current status value on the
Hole Management window but a history of changes to the status value during the lifetime of the hole data is also stored for reference. The full status history for each hole is displayed on the
Hole History fold up panel.