Common Functionality
: Local Coordinate System
Local Coordinate System
Sets the coordinate system to a non-world coordinate system allowing angular elements to be designed easily or objects copied or moved based on the plane selected.
When switching to local coordinates the PowerCompass also switches to Local Coordinates.
Sets the origin at (0,0,0) world position.
Current Element
Sets the axis at the Point of Origin of the current element with the grid parallel to the current element orientation.
Sets the axis at the Point of Origin of the selected object with the grid parallel to the selected object orientation. If no object is selected you will be prompted to select one.
Moves the Point of Origin but does not changes the orientation. Refer to
for further information.
3 Points
Prompts you to pick 3 points which are used to define the position of the new XY plane. The three points represent three positions in the new XY plane. The first point will become the origin of the new local coordinate system. The second point can be any point on the positive portion of the X axis. The third point can be any point on the positive portion of the Y axis.
Sets the axis to display from U to V
Sets the axis to display from V to W
Sets the axis to display from U to W
Moves the Point of Origin but does not changes the orientation.
After clicking
the command prompt is displayed in the graphical view.
Select the new position or press the down arrow on the keyboard for a list of options.
1974 to current year.
AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved.