Database Management Reference Manual

Expressions : Numeric (Real) Expressions : Numeric (Real) Functions
Gives the arc tangent of number1/number2, in degrees, with the appropriate sign.
ARRAY(pos or dir or ori)
Gives the magnitude of a vector drawn from E0 N0 U0 to pos2, projected in the direction dir1.
Gives the position of the beginning of the leftmost occurrence of text2 in text1. If text2 does not occur in text1, 0 is returned.
Gives the number of times string text2 occurs in string text1.
Gives the value of number1 raised to the power number2.
ATANT returns the arc-tangent of number1/number2 with the appropriate sign. ATANT is useful where the second value is near or equal to zero.
ATANT (0.0,0.0) is undefined.
ARRAY(pos or dir or ori)
Returns the magnitude of a vector drawn from E0 N0 U0 to pos2, projected in the direction dir1.
Return the position of the beginning of the leftmost occurrence of text2 in text1. If text2 does not occur in text1, 0 is returned.
Return the nearest integer to a real. NINT(N+0.5) is equal to N+1 if N is positive or equal to zero, to N if N is negative.
Counts the number of times string text2 occurs in string text1
Return the value of number1 raised to the power number2.
Scalar variable may not be indexed. For example, VTEXT (!var[1]) ) will return an error.
Array variable must have an index. For example, VTEXT ( !array ) ) will return an error.

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