To rearrange the
Member List of the Current Element, use one of the commands:
where element_id specifies an element which is to be moved (which must be a member of the Current Element) and where
list_position may be specified in any of the ways described in
Database Navigation and Query Syntax.
If list_position is omitted, the intended position is assumed to be immediately
after the Current List Position.
Starting from either of the above configurations, the command
To insert an existing element
into the
Member List of the Current Element, when it is not already a member of that list, use one of the commands
where element_id specifies an element which is to be moved (which may be anywhere within the DB hierarchy as long as it is at an appropriate level) and where
list_position may be specified in any of the ways described in
Database Navigation and Query Syntax.
If list_position is omitted, the intended position is assumed to be immediately
after the Current List Position.