Database Management Reference Manual

Comparisons Across Sessions and Stamps : Compare Database Changes : Model Changes
Model Changes provides a mechanism for exploring change and highlighting changed elements in the 3D Graphical View. On the Manage tab, in the History group, click Model Changes to display the Model Changes window.
The previous DB Changes appware is now available on the Manage tab, in the History group, clicking DB Listing.
The Model Changes window has two vertically split panes. The top pane contains a Model Explorer while the lower split contains the following tabs.
The Element History and Key panes are for information only while the Model Timeline and Stamps panes allow the selection of a session or stamp upon which to base the display of changes in the explorer pane, and optional highlighting of changed elements in the 3D graphical view. Once a session or stamp is selected changes can be highlighted by Refresh.
Clicking Model Timeline displays every session for every Design database in the current MDB, ordered chronologically.
Clicking Stamps lists details of every stamp that records session numbers for all of the Design databases in the MDB.
Clicking Element History lists the details of every database session in which the selected Current Element has changed.
Clicking Key displays a static tree control with images, colour and text explaining explorer annotations used to display changes in the explorer control.
All Changes Since displays only changes that have been made in all databases in the MDB between, but not including, the selected session or stamp, and the current state of the model but does include any unsaved changes.
Only Changes At displays only the changes that were made when the highlighted session was created which, may have been a savework or as the result of an extract operation, such as a flush or refresh, as indicated by the Reason column in the Model Timeline table.
When Refresh is clicked and the change analysis operation is complete the explorer tree is updated with annotations which highlight the changed elements in detail.
Clicking Highlight has an immediate effect on all 3D graphical views if changes are currently displayed in the explorer tree. Any changed elements that have graphical representation and are in the drawlist for any active view are highlighted in colour. This uses the same customisable colour used by the Highlight element function available via right-click menu in the standard Model Explorer. Unchecking Highlight returns the graphical display to normal colouring.
All panes of the Model Changes are updated and explorer annotations and 3D graphical highlighting are reset in the following circumstances:
Following any of these operations Refresh must be clicked again in order to update the change highlighting.

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