The File field is used to select the file containing symbol macros. Click
Browse to display a standard file browser.
The Library field is used to select the symbol library that the symbols are imported into. Clicking
CE sets this to the library name if it is possible to navigate to a library.
Input the Name,
Height and
Margins of the target ISODRAFT Symbol Library (ISOLB) element or select a standard sheet size from the drop-down list. If the named ISOLB exists, the library name is set to the ISOLB’s owning library. To set the name to the current element (if possible), click
To import the selected macro file into the DRAW symbol library, click Apply. The first symbol is positioned at the bottom left hand corner of the sheet. Subsequent symbols are tabulated across and up the page. When there is no space left on the sheet, a new ISOLB is created.
Click Cancel to discard any changes and close the
Import Isodraft Symbols window.