DRAW Administrator Guide

Area Based Automatic Drawing Production : Create and Modify Template Drawings : Create and Modify ABA Template View
The Frame drop-down menu allows you to define the frame visibility, position and alignment.
Allows you to specify the frame size. Click to display the Explicit Frame Size window. Refer to Explicit Frame Size for further information.
To identify the currently selected template view as the current element, click CE. You can select an alternative template view from the adjacent drop-down list.
To delete the current view, click Remove. A Confirm window displays asking you to OK the deletion. Click Yes to delete the View.
Select the type of drawing to create from the Type drop-down list. The options are:
Select Standard from the Section Mode drop-down list to display all components in the View.
Select Omit Fractional Pipe Components from the Section Mode drop-down list to remove any piping components that only partly display in the View.
Input a value in the Direction field to define the direction of the view.
Select the scale using the Scale Selection drop-down list:
Maximum - the contents of the View are made as large as possible whilst still fitting in the View frame.
Nearest - automatically sets the scale to display the complete drawing in the View. You can select from Metric, Architectural, or Engineering in the adjacent drop-down list.
Specific - allows you to select the type of scaling and the scale itself, from the adjacent drop-down list. For example, Metric - 1/1, Architectural - 1”=1’-0”, or Engineering 1”=10’-0”.
For assistance in determining the scale, click the question mark. The Limit Information window displays, showing the maximum 3D distances for the chosen scale.
To change the View attributes, click Attributes to display the User-Defined View Attributes window. Refer to User-Defined View Attributes for further information.
To define the draw list of the View, click Draw List to display the Add Drawing Item Lists window. Refer to Draw List for further information.
The add or remove Tag Rules from the View, click Tagging to display the Add Tag Rule Lists window. Refer to Tag Rules for further information.
You can define the View Function:
Select the Area option button to produce a graphical representation of the area.
Select the Keyplan option button to identify the View as a Keyplan View. Refer to Create and Modify Keyplan Layers for further information.
Select the User option button to specify the requirements for the View.
You can define the Tasks Available:
Click to add the selected task in the Tasks Available list to the Selected list.
Click to remove the selected task from the Selected list and add it to the Available list.
By default the Name and Description elements in the Tasks Available and Selected lists are sorted alpha numerically (A-Z, 0-9). To reverse the order, click the arrow in the column header of the relevant list.
All tasks are processed in the order in which they appear in the Selected list. You can modify the order. Right-click a task in the Selected list to display the drop-down list.
To modify the currently selected task in the Selected list, click Modify Task to display a modify window. For example, if the Draw_Gridrefs task is selected the
/*Draw_Gridrefs window displays.
Click Apply to confirm the Template View settings or Cancel to discard any changes and close the ABA Template View window.
The Width XR field is automatically updated based on information entered in the From XR and To XR fields. Modifying the Width XR field alters the From XR and To XR fields.
The Height YR field is automatically updated based on information entered in the From YR and To YR fields. Modifying the Height YR field alters the From YR and To YR fields.
The Width X field is automatically updated based on information entered in the From X and To X fields. Modifying the Width X field alters the From X and To X fields.
The Height Y field is automatically updated based on information entered in the From Y and To Y fields. Modifying the Height X field alters the From Y and To Y fields.
Click OK to apply the size settings or Cancel to discard any changes and close the Explicit Frame Size window.
Click OK to apply the position settings or Cancel to discard any changes and close the Explicit Frame Position window.
The Note Line colour and style are set in the same way as for the Drawing Templates Attributes window. Refer to Create ABA Template Drawing for further information.
Click OK to confirm the settings or Cancel to discard any changes.
The Add Drawing Item Lists window contains a list of all the available classifications.
To add the currently selected Classification to the Classification List (Current View), click Add.
To remove the currently selected classification from the Classification List (Current View) and add it to the Classifications list, click Remove.
By default, the Classification and Name elements are sorted alpha numerically (A-Z, 0-9). To reverse the order, click the column header of the relevant list.
You can add or remove classifications from within either the Classifications list or the Classification List (Current View). Right-click a classification to display the drop-down list:
To add the selected classification to the Classification List (Current View), click Add.
To remove the selected classification from the Classification List (Current View) and add it to the Classifications list, click Remove.
Click OK to confirm the settings or Cancel to discard any changes.
To add the currently selected tag rule in the Tag Rules list to the Tag Rule List (Current View), click Add.
To remove the currently selected tag rule from the Tag Rule List (Current View) and add it to the Tag Rules list, click Remove.
You can select, clear and order tag rules from within either the Tag Rules list or the Tag Rule List (Current View). Right-click a tag rule to display the drop-down list:
To order the tag rules in the Tag Rules list by description, click List by Descriptions.
To order the tag rules in the Tag Rules list by name, click List by Names.
Click OK to confirm the settings or Cancel to discard any changes.

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