DRAW Administrator Guide
Area Based Automatic Drawing Production
: Administrative Access Rights
Administrative Access Rights
In order to gain access to the administrator options on the ABA menus, you must be a member of a special administration team with read/write access to the database that holds the libraries.
To become a DRAW administrator, you do not need to change your user status, both free and general users can be setup to take on the administrative role. However, you must be identified as a member of an authorised administration team called DRAWADMIN. You also need read/write access to a PADD DB in which new library elements are created. It is recommended to create all symbols, labels and templates in a database that only allows read access to normal DRAW users.
When entering the DRAW module as an administrator, only load binary files created by an administrator. If you use a binary file created by a user, you do not get access to the administration options on the application menus. If this happens exit the DRAW module and re-enter DRAW
as an
In many companies, access as the DRAW administrator is limited to one or two special logins. By using this method you can avoid any problems caused by using incorrect binary files on entry.
1974 to current year.
AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved.