DRAW Administrator Guide

Tag Rule : Create Tag Rule Library
Click OK to display the Tagging Library window or Cancel to discard any changes and close the Create TRLB window.
The upper part of the Tagging Library window displays the name of the current LIBY. You can switch to any TRLB owned by that LIBY by selecting from the Tag Rule Library drop-down list.
The Tag Ruleset list displays a list of TRSTs within the current TRLB.
To specify the TRLB whose member TRSTs to modify, use the Tag Rules Library drop-down list to select from those available in the current LIBY. The TRSTs owned by the current TRLB display in the Tag Ruleset list.
To create a new TRST, on the Tagging Library window, click Create Ruleset to display the Create TRST window.
It is recommended that you give the TRST a name that makes its contents obvious to users. Click OK to add the TRST to the Tag Ruleset list in the Tagging Library window.
Click Cancel to discard any changes and close the Create TRST window.
To delete a TRST from the current TRLB, highlight it in the Tag Ruleset list and click Delete Ruleset.
The lower part of the Tagging Library window contains all of the functionality necessary to create TAGRs, to define the types of element to which they are to be applied, and to set references to the templates which control the format of the associated tags.
The Rule drop-down list displays a list of all TAGRs in the current TRST (the TRST highlighted in the Tag Ruleset list). It is also used to modify the current TAGR.
To create a new TAGR, click Create Rule. The TAGR is named automatically and its name is added to the Rule drop-down list as the current selection.
To specify the type of element to which the current TAGR is to be applied, select an element class from the Tag drop-down list.
To apply restrictions to the elements specified by the Tag option, type an AVEVA E3D™ expression into the With text box. For example, if Tag specifies Branches, you can use the With qualifier to input ‘(HBOR GT 100) AND (TBOR GT 80)’ to compile the overall specification ‘Branches with HBOR greater than 100mm and TBOR greater than 80mm’.
The Drawlist Reference window lists the drawlists contained in the drawlist library.
Select As Displayed from the drop-down list to use the drawlist that has been produced from the current display
Select World from the drop-down list to display all drawlists below the world level.
Click to display the Drawlist Management window. Refer to Define View Contents for further information.
Click Apply to associate a drawlist with the current TAGR or Cancel to discard any changes and close the Drawlist Reference window.

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