Catalogues and Specifications User Guide

Piping : Bolt Table Utilities
The Bolt Table Utilities window is divided into three tabs, by default the Bolt Lengths tab is selected.
Bolt Length Tables (LTAB element) are an administrative element, which store Standard Bolt Lengths for specific diameters (DTAB element). Use the Length Table part of the Bolt Table Utilities window to create or delete a LTAB element, the Bolt Name field is populated by default with the Unset.
A new LTAB element is created in the database hierarchy and displayed in the Catalogue Explorer, the element is also displayed in the list of Available Length Tables.
Further entries can be added to the list of Available Length Tables as required. If a Length Table is to be deleted, a Warning window is displayed:
A Diameter Table (DTAB) element contains all the available lengths of bolt for given diameter and material specification. Refer to Bolt Tables for more information. Use the Diameter Table part of the Bolt Table Utilities window to create or delete a DTAB element. The Diameter Table Name field is populated by default with the Unset.
A new LTAB element is created in the database hierarchy and displayed in the Catalogue Explorer, the element is also displayed in the list of Available Length Tables.
A new DTAB element is created in the database hierarchy and displayed in the Catalogue Explorer, the element is also displayed in Diameter Table Name part of the Bolt Table Utilities window.
Populate the Create Length Values fields to create standard bolt lengths for specific diameters. When used in ISODRAFT, these diameter tables are used to round the bolt lengths up to the nearest standard length, refer to Bolt Tables for further information.
Bolt List (BLIST) elements are administrative elements used to group together Standard Bolt Elements (SBOLT). Use the Single Bolting tab of the Bolt Table Utilities window to add or delete an administrative BLIST element. The Bolt Name field is populated by default with the Unset.
A new BLIST element is created in the database hierarchy and the entry is displayed in the Bolt Name pane. Further entries can be added to the Available Bolt List as required. If a bolt list is to be deleted, a Warning window is displayed:
Click Add Bolt to add the single bolt list to the bolt elements part of the Bolt Table Utilities window. With an entry highlighted, populate the Single Bolt List part of the Bolt Table Utilities window to set attributes values for the SBOLT element.
The caption above Single Bolt Elements states “Available Sbolt’s in ..”. The caption changes depending on the selected entry in the list.
Additional attributes or Bolt Items can be added to the SBOL element, for example for washers, nuts and so on. To add additional attributes or bolt items, click Add Item to add a row to the Bolt Items list. By default, the Item Length is set to 0mm and the Item Name is Unset.
Multiple Bolt Lists (MBLI) are administrative elements used to group together Multiple Bolt Elements (MBOLT). Use the Multiple Bolting tab of the Bolt Table Utilities window to add or delete an administrative MBLI element. The Bolt Name field is populated by default with the Unset.

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