AVEVA Catalogue can display the content of the data held in properties databases created in AVEVA Administration. These databases are used to hold properties of components and materials which may be needed for stress analysis or safety auditing of all or part of a design. Includes data such as the material densities needed by the MODEL structural applications for calculating weights and centres of gravity of steelwork items. Refer to
Property Database and the
Catalogue Database Structure for further information.
Use the Material Properties window to view attributes of the currently selected MATW or CMPW element.
In the Catalogue Explorer, the Material World (MATW) element is below World in the Properties hierarchy. It is purely an administrative element that groups material data together. Below the MATW element are two sub-elements: Solid (SOLI) and Fluid (FLUI). The material properties are subdivided such that SOLI holds data for the pipe itself and FLUI holds data for the fluid within the pipe.
In the Catalogue Explorer, the Component World (CMPWL) element is below World in the Properties hierarchy. It is purely an administrative element that groups component data together. Below the CMPWL element are two sub-elements: Component Data (CMPD) and Tube Data (TUBD).