Use the Catalogue Copy window to copy catalogue items from read only databases to local write databases. The read only databases may be foreign databases or locally copied MASTER databases that you has no write access to.
The Catalogue Copy window is divided into the following frames:
The Copy From frame can be populated by right clicking in the
Catalogue Explorer frame to display a sub-menu,
Add Elements to Copy From and
Add Members to Copy From or by clicking either of the two top options to the right of the
Catalogue Explorer frame.
Once the Copy From pane has been populated, the right click functionality on the Catalogue Explorer is only active if the Catalogue Explorer item's owner is the same as the one in the pane. The options are also only active based on the current catalogue explorer item and the
Copy From pane owner type.
Items can be removed from the Copy From pane by using the right click functionality:
The Copy From pane can also be populated by using the
Include References toggle and
Update option. These are only active if any items in the grid are of type SCOM, SPRF or SFIT and will look for any references for example: GMRE, PTRE, NGMRE, DTRE, PSTR, GSTR and BLFARRAY.
If the Include References toggle is not checked then the references are removed from the pane. The
Update option allows any new items that have been added to the pane after the
Include References toggle has been ticked to be added to the pane.
The Copy To pane is populated with the name the item is to be given when the
Apply Copy option is applied. The green tick indicates that the name does not already exist in the target databases. Any items where the specified name does exist in the target databases will be highlighted with a red dot sphere and will not be copied. The target databases are defined by any database in the current MDB that can be written to.
The Copy To column now needs to be populated with the new location in the target databases.
Select an owning element in the Catalogue Explorer frame to copy to, making it the currently selected item.
If the selected item in the Catalogue Explorer frame is of the correct owner type and the database can be written to then a
Set copy location from Explorer right click option is available in
Copy To pane.
If an owning element of the correct type is already present when the Copy From grid is populated then the
Copy To Location pane is also populated with any items in the target databases where the items in the
Copy From pane can be created.
When an item is selected in the Copy to Location pane, the location of the selected items in the
Copy To pane can be set by either right clicking on the
Copy To Location pane.
Once the Copy To grid is populated and contains any items that have a name and copy location that both contain a green tick,
Apply becomes active.
When Apply is clicked, all the items that can be copied (items with green ticks in both columns of the
Copy To grid) are copied from the
Copy From pane to the location in the
Copy To pane with the applied name. All references that are included in the copy are reset to the newly created references in the target databases. The
Catalogue Copy window is then cleared ready for the next copy sequence.