Catalogues and Specifications User Guide

AVEVA Catalogue : Detail and Material Text
Use the dual purpose Detail Text Definition window to define Detail Text (DTEXT elements) which hold any general text which is used to describe the corresponding component in schedules, on isometric drawings and so on.
Depending on the Generic Type selected, the Description: part of the Detail Text Definition window, is populated with a list of available descriptions. The Symbol Key is set automatically set once the generic type has been selected.
For ISODRAFT the fields for Detail, Interface B and Interface C must be populated. Text expressions can be specified for the Detail (Isodraft), (Interface B) and (Interface C) text fields. Text expression must be entered as valid string expressions beginning with an open parentheses "(" and ending with a close parentheses ")". If the expression is not specified in this way the text fields will be treated as a simple string. Refer to Catalogue Requirements for further information.

1974 to current year. AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved.