Catalogues and Specifications User Guide

Supports : ABA Grid Data
The Supports application contains functionality to include GRIDSY grids (available in MODEL) in the ABA location plan. The use of SCTN based grid definitions is maintained. The functionality enables the use of multiple grid systems across the 3D model. Suitable grid systems are automatically selected in the ABA location plan during drawing generation.
The Supports ABA Grid Data window is not required for REFGRID grids, they take their tag format directly from the grid line data. In order to use REFGRID grids, the location plan task uses the mdsAbaLocPlanRefGrd function. An example can be seen in the AvevaPlantSample project task /mds_aba_location_plan_task.

If an attempt is made to include a REFGRID grid, an error message is displayed. This can be safely ignored.
In order to include a GRIDSY grid in AVEVA Catalogue™, it is first necessary to set up a grid in MODEL.
Changes made are only applied to the database when Apply is clicked. To keep the changes the Save Work operation must to be performed.
Click Cancel to close the window. If changes have been made, but not applied, a window displays asking if the changes are to be applied before exiting.
The Support Coordinates Origin drop-down list contains the following types of support datum calculation:
Matching Grid - The origin of the selected grid is used.
Zone, Site, World - The origin of the specified element in the hierarchy above the support is used.
Named Item - The origin of the specified named item in the design database is used.
Click Remove Selected to delete the currently selected grid from the list of valid grids.

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