Catalogues and Specifications User Guide

Structures : SLH Tasks
Use the SLH Catalogue Tasks window to create parts and components which are used by defaults and assemblies in the SLH application.
A Catalogue (CATA element) is the highest level element of the Catalogue Database hierarchy. From the Catalogue part of the SLH Catalogue Tasks window, select Create to display the Create SLH Catalogue window.
Enter the Name to be assigned to the new SLH Catalogue and select an appropriate Description (text description of the catalogue).
Click Create to create a Catalogue (CATA SLH element) in the database hierarchy.
From the Section part of the SLH Catalogue Tasks window, select Create to display the Create SLH Section window.
Enter the Name to be assigned to the new SLH Section and enter a Description (text description of the catalogue).
Click Create to create a Section (STSE element) in the database hierarchy.

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