Catalogues and Specifications
Reference Manual
Catalogue Database Elements Setup in PARAGON
3D Geomset Primitives
: Dish (SDSH)
Dish (SDSH)
This is similar to the DISH available in the Design Data. It allows symbolic modelling of control valves and closer modelling of other Components. SDSH has the following particular attributes:
PAXI - direction of axis of dish
PDIS - distance along axis to centre of top surface
PDIA - diameter of dish base
PHEI - maximum height of dished surface above base
PRAD - corner radius
If PRAD=0 a spherical section dish is drawn, if PRAD>0 an ellipsoidal section dish is drawn.
Figure 7:9.
Dish Catalogue Primitive
1974 to current year.
AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved.