Catalogues and Specifications Reference Manual

Component Design and Representation in PARAGON : P-point and P-line Representation : P-lines
P-line length (default 50mm) and size (default 5mm) can also be controlled. See Reference Section at the end of this chapter for the full syntax of the REPRESENTATION PLINES command.
Control is initially on the setting of LEVEL. If the PARAGON LEVEL setting is within the LEVEL range specified for the P-line (as its LEVEL attribute) then the P-line will be considered for drawing, otherwise it will not be. If the level condition is satisfied, then whether a P-line is displayed or not in PARAGON depends upon the settings of its CLFLA and TUFLA attributes and upon the settings of the drawing options specified by the REPRESENTATION command.
The REPRESENTATION command provides a means of effectively overriding the settings of the P-line’s drawing attributes without changing them. An example REPRESENTATION command is

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