Catalogues and Specifications Reference Manual

Manipulating the Catalogue Database using PARAGON : Constructing 3D Pointsets : Specifying Pipe End Conditions for use by ISODRAFT
The symbol used by ISODRAFT to represent a particular piping component on an isometric drawing is determined by the symbol key (SKEY attribute setting) for that component. (Refer to Symbol Keys for a full explanation of this concept.)
Note that the effect is additive, so that ISODRAFT superimposes any user-specified end condition (derived from a non-Null PSKEY setting) on top of any end condition which forms part of the standard symbol associated with the SKEY. The use of the PSKEY facility is, therefore, applicable mainly to components which do not have other end conditions already defined, particularly those associated with user-defined symbols (as detailed in Symbol Keys).

1974 to current year. AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved.